Our Company Program
Mellado Dance Elite’s Competitive Company dance programs provide an excellent base for our more serious dance students. Students prepare for competitions in choreography classes and develop their skills in technique classes.
Company dancers are required to make a serious commitment to their instructors and fellow classmates. Students must attend all classes together to create team spirit, which is a integral to their ability to perform and excel as dancers. Students to who miss a class put the entire group at a disadvantage, due to the fact that absent students must be taught the missed material while the rest of the class repeats what they covered the week before.
Effort and Conduct: All dancers must be willing to push themselves to be the best dancer they can be. At all times dancers must show respect to their instructors and class mates. Company dancers have a responsibility to their fellow dancers, instructors, and to themselves to dance always at a 100% effort level. It is a privilege and an honor to be a member of our Company Program; not a right.
Mellado Dance Elite takes it’s Competitive Company Program very seriously. These programs are for dancers who have a passion to learn to dance well and to work hard. This program is geared towards preparing those dancers who may possibly like to pursue dance in their future as a teacher or professional dancer.
- All dancers must have at least 3+ years of past dance training.
- Company members must take a minimum of 4 hours of dance per week.
- Classes: Company Jazz, Company Lyrical, Company Contemporary, Stretch and Strengthen, Ballet and elective class: Acrobatics, Production Acrobatics, Jazz Production, Tap, Stage, Pointe or Hip Hop.
- Competitive Company Dance Program Policy Contract must be reviewed and signed by both dancer and their parent(s)
- Company Dancers are strongly encouraged to request a solo, duo or trio routine(s).
To download the Contract/Policy Form please click here.